Wednesday, December 26, 2012

People change according to the lifestyle -_-


Hai youuuuu. The comel comels yang tengah baca tu. cehceh. Hm act post ni pasal someone. hewhew. Not very special but extremely special. *senyumtersipumalu. Since dia habis exam jarang contact dah.Sampailah haritu i got my internet back at home. Kerap jugak chatting. He changed. Not like before. hmm busy. kerja. lesen.penat. And because of that thingsss dia jadi berubah. Hisnew lifestyle. Never mind, faham. I need to just keep thinking positive. :) Deep from my heart, rindu <3 *silalempangkalaurasamenyampah. Haha. Hm tidur mahu sudah. ayat leng leng. Bye comels:-*

pic by aina ameera :) 

Till then < 3