Monday, June 4, 2012

Wedding of the YEAR ~

Selamat pengantin baru to my cousin Nur Hazirah and her husband Habibullah .May ALLAH bless both of you and your relationship till JANNAH <3

Nikah on Sabtu  27/5 :)

sebelum secara rasminya mnjdi isteri orang :) -with kak eqa and alya

the pengantin lelaki .coming soon ~

at last.Alhamdulillah .

Majlis kat rumah perempuan .Ahad 28/5 . 

nampak 3 orang budak kecil yang cecomel tu? they are my niece and nephew.jadi escort pengantin on that day.comel je..:D

Fairy Alya Hana . Comel :)

the most sopan santun Zapin i've ever seen .haha .kalah SBPIS punya tau .

Pink + Kuning :)

Wedding of the YEAR part 2 will coming soon :3

thanks for reading!